Adutta Mathattai patri Pesaathe..Un Mathattai patri unakku evvalavu theriyum ?
Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit
By Makiko KitamuraNov 22, 2013 8:00 AM GMT+0800
Photographer: Luis Acosta/AFP via Getty Images
People take part in a meditation day for peace in Colombia at Bolivar Square in Bogota,... Read More
Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be
true for centuries -- yoga and meditation can ward off stress and
disease. John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study
on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the
chronically stressed. His latest work follows a study he and others
published earlier this year showing how so-called mind-body techniques
can switch on and off some genes linked to stress and immune function.
hundreds of studies have been conducted on the mental health benefits
of yoga and meditation, they have tended to rely on blunt tools like
participant questionnaires, as well as heart rate and blood pressure
monitoring. Only recently have neuro-imaging and genomics technology
used in Denninger’s latest studies allowed scientists to measure
physiological changes in greater detail.
Thannai Alitthu..Mathattai Valarka paadupadum Hindu Nyana Kulu..
Program ; Bengkel Motivasi Bulanan ( FEB 2014 )
Penyertaan : Para Pelajar Berumur 13 ke atas
Tempat : SRJK (T) - Pekan Nilai.
Tarikh ; 08 FEB 2014 ( Sabtu )
Penceramah Khas : Yang Berusaha En.M.Karunakaran
( Pegawai Penerangan Jab.Peneranagn NSDK )